Online Scholarship Application Form

The Seattle Hiroshima Club Scholarship Trust Fund will fund scholarships of $3,000 each, for one to three high school seniors for their higher education. The intent of this award is to honor and provide assistance to the descendants of currently active members of the Seattle Hiroshima Club.


  1. One of the student’s parents/guardians, grandparent(s), great-grandparent(s) or relative
    must be from Hiroshima Prefecture.
  2. The parent/guardian or applicant must be a current paid member of the Seattle Hiroshima
  3. The applicant is graduating from high school and the latest high school transcript reflects a
    cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.

The completed application must be postmarked by Saturday, February 3, 2024.
The following documents must be submitted:

  1. Completed application
  2. Official high school transcript which includes marks from the 9th, 10th, and 11th grades.
  3. List of current classes and projected second term courses.
  4. Two letters of recommendation: one from a school staff member, and one from the larger community, such as an employer, church leader, etc.. (Recommendations from family members or relatives will not be accepted.)
  5. An essay on “What Hiroshima Means to me” (Minimum of 200 words)
  6. Paid membership in Seattle Hiroshima Club by applicant or applicant’s parent/guardian.

Selection Criteria:
The applicants will be rated and ranked on the following:

  1. Academic achievement
  2. School Recognition and Awards
  3. Extracurricular school activities
  4. Community involvement, activities and recognition
  5. Recommendations and essay
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (From grade 9 to date):

1. Senior high school official transcript as of the latest completed semester/trimester.

2. List of current classes and projected second term courses.

3. An essay of 200 words on the subject “What Hiroshima Means to me”.

4. At least two recommendations: one from a school official, and one from a community member.
(Recommendations from relatives will not be accepted.)