
Start of Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai


Start of Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai

  Seattle Hiroshima Club started in October 1900, when eleven men met to form a mutual society that would look after the many people coming from Japan to the “New World”. Founding Fathers of “Koryo Gikai” : Fujii, Chojiro Fujikawa, Tsunesaburo Iwami, Miyojiro Iwamura, Jiro Kirahra, Iwakichi Kusumi, Ryusaburo Masuda, Yasutaro Nakata, Iwakichi Nakata, Naoichi Sakuma, Yoshio Shiwamura, Sensuke Takenawa, Ichiroji Wada, Naoichi Watanabe, Tamejiro

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Begining of Koryo Gikai


The official begining of Koryo Gikai was celebrated by 14 founders

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From Koryo Gikai to Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai


The club name was change from Koryo Gikai to Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai

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Japan declared war against Russia


Japan declared war against Russia. The members contributed generously to the War Relief Fund

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Helping the War Effort


Helping the War Effort

The club raised $658.50 to help establish the Imperial Japanese Voluntary Fleet and $434 was collected and sent to Hiroshima for flood releif

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Gei Bi Jin


The first monthly magazine called Gei Bi Jin was published

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AYPE | Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition


AYPE | Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition

The club participated in the Alaska-Yukon-Exposition -AYPE

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Northwest Japanese Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai


The club’s name changed to Northwest Japanese Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai

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Trip to the Japan on SS Sado Maru


The first tour group consisting of 150 tourists organized by the Ken Jin Kai made a trip to Japan aboard the SS Sado Maru

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The Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai was incorporated in the State of WA


The Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai was incorporated in the State of Washington

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Picnic with 300 Attendees


A picnic was held near the AYPE site and over 300 people attended.

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Revisions on The Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai


Revisions and additions were made to the original constitution of the Northwest Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai

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Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai Publishes a Book


Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai Publishes a Book

  To commemorate the 20 years history of The Pacific Northwest, Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai published a book. For the period of 1921 to 1945 written information and photographs are almost non-existent because records were either lost of destroyed during the World War II. From 1941 to 1945 club activities were suspended because members were incarcerated in various internment camps.  

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Uniting Two Communities


More than 700 people attend the celebration party uniting Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai and the branch of Hiroshima Kai Gai Kyo Kai held at Washington Hall

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Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai Board Arrested


When World War II between Japan and America was declared all of Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai Board members were arrested and detained in the United States Immigration Station. At the same time all club activities ceased.

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Re-established as Gei Bi Club


Some of the former leaders gathered at NP Hotel and made a plan to revive the organization under the name of Gei BI Club, following the same purpose and rules they had before.   After enduring a very diffivult period during and after WWII, former Ken Jin Kai members re-established the organization which they named the “Gei Bi Club”. with the same mission,…

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First Post-War Annual Meeting


The first post-war meeting was held at Maneki Restaurant attended by 34 members, and the club was renamed the Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai. As the Club’s members re-establishe their lives in the greater Seattle area after WWII. Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai’s activities expanded to support others, by sending care packages and financial aid to wartorn Hiroshima.

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Governor and Mayor of Hiroshima visits


Governor and Mayor of Hiroshima visits

  The Governor of Hiroshima Tsunei Kusunose as well as the Mayor of Hiroshima Shinzo Hamai made a seattle visit.

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Hiroshima Reconstruction Fund


The Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai raised $400 through the sales of Peace Seals for the Hiroshima Reconstruction Fund.

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Fundraising for Children’s Library


As a response to a request from mayor of Hiroshima, Shinzo Hamai a fund-raising effort was held for the constructions of a children’s library.

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16-Day Tour


16-Day Tour

Seiso Bitow Organized a 16 day tour of Washington State

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Governor Ohara from Hiroshima Prefecture


Governor Ohara from Hiroshima Prefecture

A welcome dinner was held for Mr. Ohara, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture

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Annual New Years Party


At the annual New Years party at the Club presented small gifts to members who were 65 years and older. During 1957 the club hosted the following dignitaries: Shinichi Mansumoto – advisor to Japan’s Prime Minister Kishi Tadao Ito – Chair of the City Council of Hiroshima Tadao Watanabe – Mayor of the city of Hiroshima

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Businessmen from Chugoku Visits


The club held a welcome dinner for 10 businessman from the Chugoku district, who were here to observe and learn American business practices

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Japanese Community Queen


Japanese Community Queen

It started on May 1950, May (Tsutsumoto) Mori, was chosen by Seattle JACL to represent our city in the National JACL Convention and to participate in the National Queen Pagent in Chicago. She was the daugther of Club members Mr. and Mrs. Tsutsumoto. Ten years later in 1960 Japanese Community Queen program began with a vision of Minoru Tsubota, who proposed a Nisei Queen Pageant be organized. Many daughters of Seattle Hiroshima Club members have been selected as the Seattle Japanese Community Queen since the inception of the program.  

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Oshoro Maru Crew Welcome Dinner


Oshoro Maru Crew Welcome Dinner

The club held a welcome dinner for the seven Hiroshima crew members from the Oshoro Maru training ship. This marked the beginning of hosting crew members from variety of training ships

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Donation For Kure City Hall


The club sent a donation of $416 for the rebuilding of the Kure City Hall

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Mayor Tetsu Sasaki Visits


A welcome dinner was hosted for the acting Mayor of Hiroshima, Tetsu Sasaki

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Mayor Yoshito Okuda from Kure


The club held a welcome dinner for Yoshito Okuda the mayor of Kure

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Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai to Hiroshima Club


The name of Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai was changed to Hiroshima Club. The constitution of the club was revisedand at the same time the new Miyajima Club was organized and started by the younger members.

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First Hiroshima Club Scholarships


First Hiroshima Club Scholarships

In an effort to aid members in fullfiling the hope and dreams of higher education for their childres, Hiroshima Club established a college scholarship program. The scholarships recognized outstanding highschool seniors. The first awards were given to four Hiroshima descendants, Hiroshi Hoida, Marcias Kadoguchi, Susan Kihara and Carole Kouara. Since that time more than 130 students have been the recipients of the Hiroshima Club scholarships.

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Gifts to Vietnam Soldiers


Christmas gifts were sent to sons of club members serving in Vietnam and other overseas locales

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Annual New Year Party


At the Annual New Year party special gifts were given to those who turned 85 years old in 1967. At the same time $575 was collected and donated to the Atomic Peace Dome Maintenance Fund in Hiroshima

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Governor Iwao Nagano


A welcome dinner was held in honor of Iwao Nagano, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture

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Annual Picnic


At the annual picnic 125 members of the club took three busses to Ocean Shores for a day trip. In conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. Masato Uyeda led a group to Hiroshima Japan.

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25th Atomic Bomb Anniversary Service


25th Atomic Bomb Anniversary Service

Mr. Masato Uyeda led a group of members to attend Hiroshima’s 25th Atomic Bomb Anniversary in Hiroshima City, Japan to present flowers from the Seattle Hiroshima Club.

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Hiroshima Club to Seattle Hiroshima Club


The name of the club was changed to Seattle Hiroshima Club, when it became registered as a non-profit organization. This is the name  which the club is known today.

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Mt. Rainier Day Trip


Over 70 members went to Mt. Rainier for a day trip

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Hiroshima Club gives back


The Hiroshima CLub presented 100,000 yen for the Hiroshima Flood Relief Fund and 10, 000 yen towards the publication of Gaji Hiroshima

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World Exposition


Together with Hyaku Do Kai , the Hiroshima Club went on a trip to Spokane for the World Exposition

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30th Anniversary of Atomic Bomb Memorial Service


In the midst of the camaraderie and good times enjoyed by the group, Hiroshima Club members also remembered the past losses and suffering of their families. The 30th Anniversary of Atomic Bomb Memorial Service was held  at the Seattle Buddhist Church attended by 250 people. This was the beginning of the combined Seattle Hiroshima Club and Seattle Buddhist Church annual atomic bomb memorial services.

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75th Year Anniversary Celebration


The Club’s 75th anniverssary celebration was held in Seattle Buddhist Church auditorium. The Club reach a milestone and celebrated its 75th Anniversary with over 350 people attending. 19 members 85 years and older were sent congratulatory letters and gifts from Hiroshima Governor Hiroshi Miyazawa and special achievement awards were presented to seven members. Total membership has reached 507 at this point.

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Gov. Miyazawa and Kenshin Treatments


Gov. Miyazawa and Kenshin Treatments

Gov. Miyazawa of Hiroshima Prefecture visited and a doctor from Hiroshima visited Seattle for kenshin. Kenshin is a physical examination of atomic bomb survivors from WWII. This visit signals the bi-annual visits by a doctor from Hiroshima to the present time.

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80th Year Anniversary Celebration


80th Year Anniversary Celebration

Hiroshima Club celebrates the 80th year anniversary at Settle Buddhist Church Auditorium.

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Harrison Hot Springs – Canada


An outing to Harrison Hot Springs Canada was held for members.

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Japan Tour


A 14 day tour of Japan was organized by Yoshiaki Sako, Ted and Paul Tomita.

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1st Seattle Hiroshima Club Golf Tournament


1st Seattle Hiroshima Club Golf Tournament

A new type of Activity was initiated when the first Seattle Hiroshima Club Golf Tournament was introduced on 1984. It was played at the Jefferson Park Golf COurse and was won by Smith Morimoto.

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85th Anniversary Celebration


The 85th anniversary of the club was celebrated. The Mayor of Hiroshima , Takeshi Araki visited Seattle.

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Hiroshima Museum Rep. Pays a visit


Hiroshima Museum Rep. Pays a visit

A representative of the Hiroshima Museum visited Seattle to interview members and collect materials for the museum. As it had done in the past, the Club responded whole-heartedly to request from Japan,  members collected and shipped three containers of materials including a farm worker’s shack, horse driven farm equipments, oyster harvesting equipment, office machines and books about Japanese immigrants in  the Northwest. The Frank M. Kobuki House a quintessential shelter for farm workers in the early part of this century was dismantled and sent along with its furnishings.

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Puget Sound Cruise


More than 100 members and friends enjoyed lunch and entertainment on a four-hour cruise of Puget Sound on the Silver Swan

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Seattle Keiro Nursing Home visit


The Club continued with social welfare work and visited 24 members in Seattle Kiro Nursing Home and 13 shut-ins in their home. Starting 1992 the Club began visiting Keiro residents twice a year with gifts of poinsettias during their December visits.

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Governor Takeshita of the Hiroshima Prefecture visited Seattle


Governor Takeshita of the Hiroshima Prefecture visited Seattle

Governor Takeshita of the Hiroshima Prefecture visited Seattle. A ten-day tour of Japan was organized by Tsu Horike. A group of musicians from Hiroshima performed Taiso Koto at the Seattle Buddhist Church Auditorium.

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Taisho Koto Performers of Seattle


Taisho Koto Performers of Seattle

A group of Taiso Koto players from Hiroshima performed at Seattle Buddhist Church. Taisho Koto is a unique Japanese four string musical instrument modified from the traditional Japanse Koto. Ayako Horike started a Taisho Koto group in Seattle

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“From Hiroshima to Hope” Lantern Floating Ceremony


“From Hiroshima to Hope” Lantern Floating Ceremony

The Club Started yearly donations to “From Hiroshima to Hope” lantern floating ceremony program in remembrance of the atomic bomb victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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Youth Exchange Program


Youth Exchange Program

Two descendants of Hiroshima Club mebers, Julie Nakayama and Damon Ono attended a Youth Exchange Program in Hiroshima, Japan. The main purposes of this project were first to promote international understanding and encourage communication and personal exchanges between foreign youht ans the youth of Hiroshima and second to promote new networks for the next genera tion.    

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Women in Golf Tournaments


The men’s Golf Tournament became so popular that they invited the female members of Hiroshima Club were invited to participate. Nori Yamaguchi was the first winner in the Women’s Division.

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Chairman Toshihiro Hiyama visits Seatle


Chairman Toshihiro Hiyama visits Seatle

Approximately 100 members including those from Oregon Hiroshima Club attended dinner to celebrate the reception for Chairman Toshihiro Hiyama and nine delegates of the Hiroshima Prefectural Assembly. Mr. Hiyama presented and award to 19 members attending the dinner out of 82 current members who are 80 years and older. And a special appreciation award to Tsu Horike, Masao Yamaguchi, and Paul Hosoda for their many years of service to the Club.

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Kagura Performance at Seattle


Kagura Performance at Seattle

The Kagura performers, a 20 member troupe from Hiroshima Japan performed Yamato Oroshi- a play about the eight headed giant serpent- at the 24th Annual Cherry Blossom and Japanese Cultural Festival at the Seattle Center

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International Sport Festival


International Sport Festival

At the invitation of Governor Yuzan Fujita, Our Members Masao Yamaguchi, Sumiko Yamaguchi and Mary Fujita attended the International Sport Festival at Hiroshima Stadium

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1,000 Mizuhiki Cranes named “Tree of Peace”


1,000 Mizuhiki Cranes named “Tree of Peace”

Haruko Shimizu, a talented teacher of the ancient craft of  mizuhiki, crafted and presented the “Tree of Peace” to the Hiroshima Peace Park. This work of art consisted of 1,000 mizuhiki cranes in various colors as a sumbol of peace. Mrs. Shimizu was assisted by Hiroshima Club, Seattle Betsuin women, and Dharma class students in this project.

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Mukilteo Historic marker


The club gave $250 for Mukilteo Historic marker, recognizing good will between Caucasian and Japanese workers in the lumber industry in early 1900’s.

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100th Year Anniversary


The club’s 100th Anniversary was celebrated at the Doubletree Suites by over 160 members in attendance

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Overseas Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai


For the first time our Club is represnted at the Overseas Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai in Hiroshima

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Supervisor of Youth Affairs from Hiroshima


Supervisor of Youth Affairs from Hiroshima

A dinner reception was held in honor of  Mr. Yoshiki Nakagami who is the supervisor of the Youth Affairs Office, Environmental & Citizens Affair Department of the Hiroshima Prefectural Government. The Club assisted Mr. Nakagami during his three day visit to Seattle to contact educators at International Innovations and Seattle University to learn and hear the programs being conducted to promote youht developments in the USA. The Youth Affairs Office is searching from new methods in which can be incorporated into their programs to promote involvement from families, schools and local communities and to invigorate youth developments activities in their local communities.

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Hiroshima Youth Exchange Program


Two students from the Club attended the Hiroshima Youth Exchange Program in Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan.

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